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I do not sell these models. This site is only dedicated to my private collection. |
New purchases of February |
These days I made some new purchase: of course at the present time these models are in the truck of some carrier, but I'll try to add a lot of pics when they will come in my miniature garage! In this order, I have included some models old and new that I had not yet added to my collection, but the rest was just a matter of time! In detail, I bought the Dodge Challenger of "NCIS", the 1968 Ford Galaxy of "Men in Black 3", the Chevrolet Impala Sport Sedan of "Supernatural" (all produced by Greenlight), the Cadillac Fleetwood "The Godfather" (produced by Jada Toys), the Dodge Charger of "Dirty Mary Crazy Larry" (produced by Auto World) and the Dodge Charger of "The Fast & The Furious" (produced by Mattel). But purchases do not stop there ... soon with other arrivals!  Posted by: Fabiano on Tue 2/10/2015 at 12:12 | | 0 | 7 |
Tags: produced, dodge, purchases, charger, supernatural, greenlight, collection, challenger, chevrolet, miniature
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 '70 Dodge Charger |  New purchases of March |  Last purchases of March - Part II |  An idea for a new General Lee! |
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Comments |
2015/02/11 Niko says: macomplimenti per gli acquisti!!! dilazionati nel tempo li ho acquistati anch' io....al momento mancano la Dodge di NCYS e la Impala di Supernatural....ma non per molto!!! Translate: 
2015/02/11 Fabiano says: Si, ho dovuto recuperare il tempo perso! :) Ne ho in ordine altri 4 ma sono auto un po' più particolari, che andranno sicuramente modificate per apparire come erano nei relativi film/telefilm. Translate: 
2015/02/11 Niko says: ...come non chiederti degli indizi su questi modelli "un pò più particolari"??? Translate: 
2015/02/11 Fabiano says: Diciamo che riguardano Hazzard, Ritorno al Futuro, un telefilm anni 70 e un film anni 80 non proprio incentrati sul tema automobili :) Translate: 
2015/02/12 Niko says: Hazzard, il furgonoe di zio Jesse? Ritorno al Futuro, la Ford del 46 di Biff? telefilm anni '70...Sanford & Son? film anni '80....beh troppi, non saprei!!! Translate: 
2015/02/12 Fabiano says: Su Ritorno al Futuro ci hai preso! Su Hazzard, no: purtroppo il furgoncino Ford dello zio Jessie non esiste come base, ho visto che Ighi ha fatto quello di Cooter con un C10, magari in futuro ci penserò anche io... Sanford & Son l'ho già in collezione, devo solo apporre le decalcomanie sulle portiere, mentre per gli altri qualche giorno di pazienza e se riesco nell'acquisto, vi darò altre informazioni! Translate: 
2015/02/12 Niko says: ...sarà una lunga attesa!!! Translate: 
"Hollywood 1:18 Wheels" is not part of Hollywood Sign Trust and is not linked to the association or to any members of this community. A mission of this site is to provide information to help diecast collectors to found any type of car used in movie or serial TV. All images copyright � by Fabiano Spinelli. All rights reserved. You may not upload these images to a web site or distribute it commercially or otherwise. It is illegal to use these images on your web site and to post on community web sites. Copyright � 2007. July 16, 2007. |
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