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Comparisons Detail

   Both these models reproduce the same version of the DeLorean DMC-12, the car used at the end of the movie "Back to the Future". However, differences exist and they are not few! But now watch the following pictures that depict them side by side (on the left the model produced by Sun Star, on the right the model produced by Hot Wheels).

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   First of all, you may notice that the color of the body is not the same. The brushed aluminum used by Sun Star tends slightly golden with special lighting conditions, while the one used by the Hot Wheels retains the silver color from any angle. However, the biggest differences are in the front, in the back and inside the cars. Here we will see in detail these differences.

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   The proportions of the two cars, however, are virtually identical: both manufacturers have kept perfectly the scale. Immediately catches the eye that Hot Wheels is much more detailed than the rival produced by Sun Star, but it should be noted that the project of the Sun Star dates back to 15 years ago, while the Hot Wheels is a little over a year ago. In addition, the prices of the two models are quite different: the Sun Star coast nearly a third of what it costs the Hot Wheels.

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   Looking at the front three-quarters are immediately noticeable differences especially over the wheel arches, where pass cable bundles. In the Sun Star cable bundles are part of the bodywork and are only painted black to break away from the rest. In the Hot Wheels, however, they are real cables attached to the body. It also notes a difference with respect to the central panel, tilted too far on the Sun Star. As for other differences in the front we will see another picture below.

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   From this picture you can see immediately how the Hot Wheels has done an excellent job in detailing the inside. All wiring are real, unlike the Sun Star where only relief and have been colored black. There are also some gadgets used in the film as the alarm clock used by Marty to know when to leave and the hoverboard used by Marty in 2015. Even outside there is a difference: on Sun Star is a black belt under the wipers too big, while there is not even on the Hot Wheels. The correct solution would be a middle size.

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   The back is the one that presents the greatest differences. In the Sun Star the complex hydrogen engine is made from a single mold plastic colored differently in the various parts. In the Hot Wheels, instead, the motor is realized with various components in plastic and aluminum, in addition to the wiring that also in this case are real. Needless to say, that of the Hot Wheels is decidedly more real. Moreover, the Hot Wheels lets you open and close Mr.Fusion, while the Sun Star is blocked.

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   We now turn to the interior: even in this case the Hot Wheels dominates, thanks to the presence of wirings real but also to a greater detail of the time circuits necessary for time travel. Much more carefully considered the details of the interior door, painted matte black.

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   Going inside we can compare the seats: in the Sun Star seatbelt is part of the mold of the seat, making it a little toy. It would have been preferable a disconnected element. In the Hot Wheels the belt is not even present. Unfortunately from the photos you can not see the flux capacitor which on Hot Wheels is perfectly reproduced while in Sun Star is only printed and colored differentemnete from gray interior.

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   Here we can see a three-quarter view of the rear. As mentioned the engine compartment is much more detailed on Hot Wheels but otherwise the latter two are equivalent. They differ in the color of the enormous drains, blacks on Sun Star and silver on Hot Wheels. Also in this case a middle tint would be the best solution.

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   Another detail of the engine where you can also see how the Hot Wheels have been used for color fidelity and less plasticky. Also note the difference on those panels that start from the bottom and come up to the roof: on Sun Star is smooth, while the Hot Wheels are knurled, therefore much more similar to those used on the real car.

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   In this image we can see the differences on to the hood. First of all, the hinge used on Sun Star is the economic version, while the Hot Wheels use a side pin and is virtually invisible. Observing the luggage space, however, we must say that both models are wrong. On Hot Wheels there are arching wheel that instead there should be. On Sun Star there are two boxes to contain the necessary mechanism to raise the wheels (remember the fact that Sun Star unlike her opponent, can turn the steering wheel in the version).

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   Now we have said everything on the engine: the Sun Star feels the weight of years, stopping by a detailed toy. The Hot Wheels is a feast for the eyes: just missing the smoke from the stacks!

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   In this photo concentrate on wheels: on Sun Star abounded with races and the shape of the wheel is not de entirely correct. Some slight difference of proportion even in the final part of the back, stretched more on Sun Star and more compact on the Hot Wheels. Strange the presence of wiring (also fake) over the wheel of the Sun Star: did not appear in the film. Coretta then the Hot Wheels from this point of view.

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   Same for the front wheel: on Sun Star they abounded with races. Much more precise passing over the wheel arches of the cables on the Hot Wheels, while the Sun Star is seen that they are simply painted and you notice a bad alignment with piece of plastic cables.

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   Looking at the front of the car is made almost identical, except for the presence of the hooks plastic headlights on Sun Star and the knurled panel more detail on Hot Wheels.

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   As mentioned earlier, also the rear is equivalent enough on the two models. Of course, the Hot Wheels is more accurate, but the Sun Star is defended. Only thing I do not understand is the presence on the Sun Star of that group of gray cables close to the exhaust pipes.

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   Finally, by suggesting Roberto (a user of this site and skilful modeller) I compared the weight of the two models. The Sun Star in this case is more massive detaching a weight of 867gr. The Hot Wheels does appear a bit 'lighter pulling a weight of 659gr. Of course, much of this difference is due to the system on the Sun Star which allows it to turn into a flying DeLorean raising the wheels. Finally, I still think the two beautiful models: of course, the Hot Wheels is much more detailed and more faithful to the car used in the movie, but also the Sun Star makes a good impression when exposed. As I said at the beginning, it is also considered the price: the Hot Wheels Elite version costs almost three times the Sun Star. If you are real fans of this trilogy can not miss both in your collection. Otherwise, choose according to your wallet!

DeLorean DMC-12: Sun Star vs. Hot Wheels

   Today, I want to propose you a new comparison, this time between the DeLorean DMC-12 produced by Sun star and the DeLorean DMC-12 produced by Hot Wheels (these are the cars used by Michael J.Fox in the movie "Back to the Future"). I hope you will appreciate it!

Posted by: Fabiano on Thu 7/23/2015 11:2608

"Hollywood 1:18 Wheels" is not part of Hollywood Sign Trust and is not linked to the association or to any members of this community. A mission of this site is to provide information to help diecast collectors to found any type of car used in movie or serial TV. All images copyright � by Fabiano Spinelli. All rights reserved. You may not upload these images to a web site or distribute it commercially or otherwise. It is illegal to use these images on your web site and to post on community web sites. Copyright � 2007. July 16, 2007.

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