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Racism ... it's the fault of the General Lee!

   In general I do not love to talk about politics and/or ethics, especially on the pages of the sites I manage and dealing of my passions, but in this case it seemed only right to do it ... As you've probably seen on the news or read in various national newspapers, a few days ago in America (in Charleston) a white boy of 21 years old has entered a Church and shot and killed nine black people who were attending mass. Of course we are talking about a madman driven by racist ideologies have considered committing the massacre. Act decidedly cruel and senseless, but instead of trying to go to the root to see what the have pushed to make this act, the media have focused on a picture of the boy who appeared on the social media: sitting on a lawn, held in hand the Confederate flag. Oh my God! In that moment they started to talk to that flag treating it as a real symbol of racism (because of its use during the American Civil War as part of the Southern States) does not make it more inviting to use (like banning the use racism disappear!). And of course the expense was also our dear and good old General Lee, the car used in the most popular television series "The Dukes of Hazzard." Why? Because today the Warner Bros (which owns the rights to the TV series and on all commercial products under license) announced it would stop production of material for that TV series, precisely because of the Confederate flag placed on the car roof. For some time, the Warner Bros had adopted the technique of covering with an orange sticker the flag positioned on the models: the adhesive, however, could be removed easily. From today, however, to solve the whole problem, they thought of withdrawing from the market and stop the production of objects related to General Lee. Really think that erasing the merchandising related to one of the most popular TV series of all time you can solve the problem of racism? You really think that racism is attributable only to a simple flag? This TV series has always transmitted good values ​​such as love of family, friendship, justice and never ever has been the bearer of racism despite the flag on the roof. I grew up with this TV series and if today I am a good guy with good principles, I have also in this series.
   To make a mark after this disgraceful decision, in my small way, this morning I decided to buy one last Authentics General Lee: I have so many, one more will not change anything in my collection, but it is a gesture that had to be done, to Warner Bros to understand that this decision is stupid and senseless. Maybe, who knows, they will change their minds...
   P.S.: No one who has said that it might be time to make weapons illegal in America...

Posted by: Fabiano on Wed 6/24/2015 at 10:16   03

Tags: racism, general, flag, warner, confederate, production, senseless, bros, decision, america

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2015/06/24 Roberto says:
Ciao cFabiano, hai colto in pieno anche quello che e' il mio pensiero:ci focalizziamo su una bandiera demonizzandola..alla maggior parte della gente ricorda la bandiera del Generale , tutto qui...poi ai minimarket si vendono armi...sicuramente i famigliari delle vittime-che hanno tutta la mia comprensione- non daranno la colpa alla bandiera ma a chi si crede Dio...togliendo la vita altrui solo per un loro problema psichico.

2015/06/24 Fabiano says:
Come ho scritto su FB, ammiro gli Stati Uniti e gli americani, ma a volte mi sembra che facciano come lo struzzo che nasconde la testa per non guardare... Per risolvere il problema dell'uso degli alcolici, basta nascondere l'etichetta delle bottiglie all'interno di un sacchetto coprente. Peccato che comunque la gente continui a bere. Adesso vietano l'uso di questa bandiera come se fosse strettamente necessario per risolvere il problema della violenza e del razzismo. Una persona razzista cambierà il suo modo di pensare perché non troverà più i modellini del General Lee sugli scaffali o su eBay? Non credo proprio anzi... Però, come hai detto tu, si potrà continuare a comprare le armi al supermercato come se nulla fosse! A questo punto, stiamo solo a guardare per vedere cosa si inventeranno la prossima volta...

2015/06/25 Niko says:
Un esempio di stupidità come pochi!!! In un paese in cui si professa la libertà dell' individuo si "vieta" l' uso di una bandiera che ha rappresentato la voglia di indipendenza dei paesi del sud ai tempi della secessione perchè un pazzo armato ha fatto una strage in nome del fanatismo raziale? Domanda: e se avesse esposto la bandiera a stelle e strisce?
Mah.....certe cose mi sconfortano!!!


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In this period, I'm working on the Happy Birthday version of the General Lee used in 7th season the TV series "The Dukes of Hazzard"

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